Where Should The Analytics Tracking Code Be Placed In The Html Of A Webpage To Collect Data?

how to write seo site description

The SEO site description represents your homepage. Search engines show this description in search results for your homepage if they don’t find content more relevant to a visitor’s search terms. To add an SEO site description: In the Home menu, click Marketing, then click SEO.

How do you write a site description?

Characteristics of a good meta description
Keep it up to 155 characters
Use active voice and make it actionable
Include a call-to-action
Use your focus keyword
Show specifications, where possible
Make sure it matches the content of the page
Make it unique.


What is SEO site description?

The SEO site description represents your homepage. Search engines show this description in search results for your homepage if they don’t find content more relevant to a visitor’s search terms. To add an SEO site description: In the Home menu, click Marketing, then click SEO.


How do you write SEO description and title?

How to Create SEO Page Titles That Stand Out
Include relevant keywords
Write for the user
Try long sentences, but pay attention to length
Don’t be repetitive or stuff keywords
Don’t put your company name at the front
Be specific
Get some help.


What should be included in a site description?

A meta description should include a compelling summary of the page someone is about to click on. It should clearly tell them what they’ll gain by clicking through. Meta descriptions should include a target keyword to help search engines index and rank the page.


What is a site description?

The site description text does not appear on your site “ it is used by search engines and displays in search engine results. The site description is information about your site and encourages people to visit your site.


How do you write a description?

7 Tips for Writing Descriptive Sentences
Cut out obvious descriptions
Use surprising words
Remember sensory details
Make use of figurative language
Think about who is doing the describing
Be wary of over-description
Read good examples of descriptive writing.


How do you write a meta description for 2022?

Best Practices For A Good Meta Description Length in 2022

Meanwhile, your meta description length should be kept descriptive and between 150 and 160 characters for optimal length, and this includes spaces. Additionally, you also want to make sure to: Accurately summarize the page content.


What is SEO description WordPress?

Understanding search engine optimization (SEO) is valuable for anyone looking to improve their site or blog for both search engines and humans. The course will give you a solid foundation of what you can do to ensure people have the best chance to find your content when they search online.


How do you write a meta description example?

Meta Description Examples

Meta descriptions should be quick, one- to two-sentence summaries of the content within your web page. They should tell the reader what they can expect to find after clicking on your link.


What is SEO title example?

SEO title examples for Cheesecake recipe With 228k monthly searches according to Ahrefs, cheesecake recipe is one of the most competitive keywords in the food niche. It’s the kind of keyword that can bring you thousands of monthly visitors provided people click to read your article instead of your competitor’s.


How do you write title and description?

Best Practices to Write Effective Metadata
Keep it concise. Meta titles need to be short but sweet “ Google typically displays the first 50“60 characters of a title tag
Include the focus keyword
Include a call-to-action
Match the title & description to your content
Make sure they’re unique.


What is meta description for SEO?

A meta description is the information about your page that appears in the search engine results below the title / URL of your page. The description does not directly factor into your search engine results page (SERP) rank but influences whether a user clicks on the link to your page.


How do write meta keywords for SEO?

Guidelines for Using Meta Keywords Tags

Keep your list of keywords or keyword phrases down to ten or fifteen unique keywords or phrases. Separate the words or phrases using a comma. Do not repeat the words or phrases which you use. Place your most important words or phrases at the beginning of your list.


How do add a description to my Google site?

Note that Google will try to pick a relevant helpful title and description as a website owner youMore


What is the best header structure for SEO?

H1 tags are used to denote the most important text, such as the main theme or title of a content. H2 and H3 tags are commonly used as subheadings. Finally, H4, H5, and H6 tags may be used to provide further structure within those subsections.


What is description and example?

The definition of a description is a statement that gives details about someone or something. An example of description is a story about the places visited on a family trip. noun. 35.


How do write a description for my blog?

Here are some of the tips.
The blog description limit is 320 characters. It can be shorter though.
Use conversational words; like you and I. People like to be addressed
Use impact or power words
Cut out filler words
Include your main keyword in the blog description.


How do create a right meta description?

Best practices for creating quality meta descriptions
Make sure that every page on your site has a meta description.
Create unique descriptions for each page on your site
Include relevant information about the content in the description
Programmatically generate descriptions
Use quality descriptions.


What is a powerful description?

They’re digestible yet impressionable, they say something profound but they’re palatable enough to be comprehended by anyone.


What are examples of descriptive writing?

Examples of Descriptive Writing
Her last smile to me wasn’t a sunset
My Uber driver looked like a deflating airbag and sounded like talk radio on repeat.
The old man was bent into a capital C, his head leaning so far forward that his beard nearly touched his knobby knees.