what does seo title tag mean

An SEO title tag must contain your target keyword. This tells both Google and searchers that your web page is relevant to this search query. Besides, searchers are much more likely to click on a web page if they see the exact keyword or keyword phrase they just typed in the title.

What is SEO title example?

SEO title examples for Cheesecake recipe With 228k monthly searches according to Ahrefs, cheesecake recipe is one of the most competitive keywords in the food niche. It’s the kind of keyword that can bring you thousands of monthly visitors¦ provided people click to read your article instead of your competitor’s.


Do title tags matter for SEO?

Yes, title tags are still very important for SEO “ even if Google likes to alter what you write more these days. Title tags are still key when it comes to helping Google understand what your page is about, and their importance shouldn’t be underestimated.


What does title tag mean?

The title tag is an HTML code tag that allows you to give a web page a title. This title can be found in the browser title bar, as well as in the search engine results pages (SERP). It’s crucial to add and optimise your website’s title tags, as they play an essential role in terms of organic ranking (SEO).


How do you write SEO titles?

How to Write Perfect Page Titles for SEO
Make Each Page Title Unique. Every page of your website should be unique, and so should its page title and meta description
Use Unique Target Keywords
Don’t Make Them Too Short
Don’t Make Them Too Long
Write for Humans, Not Robots.


How long should an SEO title be?

approximately 50 to 70 characters
Many SEOs and SEO websites recommend a title tag length of approximately 50 to 70 characters because that’s what Google shows in the SERPs.


Why is SEO title important?

Title tags are important for many reasons. First, they help search engines understand what your page is about and get an overview of its content. This helps them identify the most appropriate pages for different search queries. Second, they also help users.


Does title tag affect ranking?

Title Tag as a Ranking Factor

Search Engine Journal published a list of top ranking factors and the title tag made it as part of the on-page factors group. Most surveys on top ranking factors include title tags as a top ranking factor and with good reason, because it is a ranking factor.


How do you optimize a title tag?

Here are eight important aspects to consider when optimizing your title tags for search.
The Page’s Context Within The Site
Searcher Intent Keyword Use
Topical Relevance Within The Page
Unique Tags
Use Dynamic Options When Possible
Call To Action In SERP
Don’t Try Too Hard
Keep The Title Tag’s Impact In Perspective.


How does a title tag help a website?

Title tags are used by the Search Engines to show preview snippets for a page. They share equal importance for both SEO and social media sharing. The title element of a web page should therefore, display an accurate and concise picture of the webpage’s content.


Why is title tag on a website valuable?

The title is the first chance you get as an ecommerce merchant to grab the attention of potential customers and stand apart from the competition. A poorly written title tag can reduce click throughs, which is an element that search engines use in their rankings.


Is my title SEO friendly?

One of the most important things for SEO friendly titles is using an optimal title length. Google often shows the first 50 to 60 characters of a title tag. There’s no thumb rule though but it’s a smart idea to keep your titles short and compelling. Try to keep your titles under 60 characters.


Where does SEO title appear?

The main heading is what users see after they click on the SEO title and get on the page itself. In tabbed browsers, you will usually also see the SEO title in the page tab, as shown in the image below.


How do I optimize page titles for SEO?

4 Rules for Perfect Title Tag Optimization
Aim for Titles That Are 50“60 Characters
Make Your Title Tags Unique on Your Website and on the SERP
Follow Basic Writing Etiquette and Be Honest
Use Keywords in Your Title Tag (Where Appropriate)


What is the difference between title and SEO title?

Purpose of the post title and the SEO title

Your post title is meant for people that are already on your site. It’s telling them what your post or page is about. Your SEO title, on the other hand, is meant for people who are not on your website yet. It will be shown to people in the search engines.


Do title tags matter?

Well, the answer is a resounding yes. Title tags are far more important than you might think. In fact, title tags are the second most important SEO factor right behind content, according to Moz. That means that title tags are almost as vital to your site’s performance as the actual content on your web pages.


How do you write meta title tags for SEO?

5 Tips for Writing Title Tags
Write unique titles for every page.
Pay attention to length.
Use your target keyword (but don’t overdo it).
Be descriptive of what’s on the page.
Make a (brief) case for what’s on the page.
Use relevant, high-quality images.
Customize the filename.
Use alt text.


Does a long title affect SEO?

For example, a Backlinko study of 5 million Google search results showed that titles between


What are the three types of SEO?

There are three main types of SEO: Internal (On-Page SEO) External (Off-Page SEO) Technical SEO.


What is an example of a website title?

This is usually at the top of the page, and also may be at the very top of your browser. The document title only refers to one part or page of a website – for example the “Johnny Depp” entry on the Internet Movie Database website, or the “H1N1 Flu” page on the CDC’s website.


What is the difference between a heading tag and a title tag SEO?

The main difference between a page title and an h1 tag is that the page title is shown in the browser window and search results snippet while the h1 tag is only shown on the page itself. The page title is defined in the HTML section while the H1 tag is part of the of a page.