How To Highlight Text In Html : Highlighting text in HTML can draw attention to specific content or emphasize important information on a web page. Whether you want to highlight a keyword, a phrase, or a block of text, HTML provides several ways to achieve this effect.
By applying appropriate CSS styles or using inline HTML tags, you can create visually appealing highlights. These techniques are simple to implement and can enhance the readability and user experience of your website.
we will explore various methods to highlight text in HTML. We will cover using CSS properties like background color, text color, and text-shadow to create different types of highlights. Choose the method that best suits your needs and styling preferences. Keep in mind that it’s important to use highlighting judiciously and ensure that it enhances the readability and user experience of your web page.
Additionally, we will discuss the use of HTML tags such as `<mark>` and `<span>` with inline styles to achieve text highlighting. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of the options available for highlighting text in HTML and be able to apply these techniques to your own web pages.
How do you highlight text in HTML?
The <mark> tag defines text that should be marked or highlighted.
There are several ways to highlight text in HTML, depending on the desired effect and the level of control you want over the styling. Here are a few commonly used methods:
1. Inline Styling: Use the `<span>` element with the `style` attribute to apply custom CSS styles to the highlighted text. For example: `<span style=”background-color: yellow;”>Highlighted text</span>`.
2. CSS Classes: Define a CSS class with the desired highlighting styles and apply it to the appropriate HTML elements. For example, define a class in CSS: `.highlight { background-color: yellow; }`, and then apply it to the text: `<span class=”highlight”>Highlighted text</span>`.
3. `<mark>` Element: Use the `<mark>` element, which is specifically designed for highlighting text. For example: `<mark>Highlighted text</mark>`.
4. Background and Text Color: Apply background and text color properties directly to the HTML elements that contain the text you want to highlight. For example: `<p style=”background-color: yellow; color: black;”>Highlighted text</p>`.
Choose the method that best suits your needs and styling preferences. Keep in mind that it’s important to use highlighting judiciously and ensure that it enhances the readability and user experience of your web page.
How do you highlight text in a textbox in HTML?
If you are working on an HTML5 page, the <mark> tag can quickly highlight text. Below is an example of the how to use the mark tag and its result. If your browser supports the <mark> tag, “highlighted text” should have a yellow background.
Choose the method that best suits your needs and styling preferences. Keep in mind that it’s important to use highlighting judiciously and ensure that it enhances the readability and user experience of your web page.
In HTML, the `<input>` element with the `type=”text”` attribute represents a textbox. By default, the `<input type=”text”>` element does not support highlighting specific portions of the text. However, you can achieve a similar effect by using JavaScript.
Here’s an example of how you can highlight text in a textbox using JavaScript:
<input type=”text” id=”myTextbox” value=”This is some text”>
<button onclick=”highlightText()”>Highlight</button>
function highlightText() {
var textbox = document.getElementById(“myTextbox”);
textbox.focus(); // Ensure the textbox is in focus for selection
var startIndex = 5; // Start index of the text to highlight
var endIndex = 10; // End index of the text to highlight
if (textbox.setSelectionRange) {
// For modern browsers
textbox.setSelectionRange(startIndex, endIndex);
} else if (textbox.createTextRange) {
// For older versions of Internet Explorer
var range = textbox.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd(“character”, endIndex);
range.moveStart(“character”, startIndex);;
In this example, a textbox is created with an id of “myTextbox”. When the “Highlight” button is clicked, the `highlightText()` function is called. The function sets the focus on the textbox and uses the `setSelectionRange()` method (for modern browsers) or the `createTextRange()` method (for older versions of Internet Explorer) to select the desired text within the textbox. You can modify the `startIndex` and `endIndex` variables to specify the range of text you want to highlight.
How do you add highlights to a word in HTML?
To highlight text
Type <mark>.
Type the word or words to which you want to call attention.
To add highlights to a word or text in HTML, you can use the `<mark>` element. The `<mark>` element is specifically designed for indicating highlighted text. Here’s an example:
In the above example, the word “highlighted” will be visually highlighted based on the default browser styles or any custom CSS styles applied to the `<mark>` element.
If you prefer to apply custom styling to the highlighted text, you can use CSS. Here’s an example:
.highlight {
background-color: yellow;
color: black;
/* Add any other desired styles */
<p>Here is some <span class=”highlight”>highlighted</span> text.</p>
In this example, the CSS class `.highlight` defines the styles for the highlighted text, such as the background color and text color. You can modify the styles within the class to suit your design preferences.
Type </mark>.
What are the HTML tags for highlight?
We can highlight texts in the webpage using a tag called <mark> tag. The HTML <mark> tag is used to define the marked text for notation purposes, i.e., important or user-catching text. It highlights or marks the part of the paragraph which is written under the opening and closing <mark> tags.
In HTML, there are no specific tags designed solely for highlighting text. However, you can achieve the effect of highlighting text by using various methods and CSS styles. Here are a few common approaches:
1. Using the `<mark>` tag: The `<mark>` tag is used to highlight or mark specific portions of text. It is typically styled with background color or other visual properties to indicate the highlighted text. For example:
<p>This is some <mark>highlighted</mark> text.</p>
2. Using inline styles: You can use inline styles to apply background color or other visual properties to specific text. For example:
<p>This is some <span style=”background-color: yellow;”>highlighted</span> text.</p>
3. Using CSS classes: You can define a CSS class with appropriate styles for highlighting and apply it to the desired text using the `<span>` or `<div>` tag. For example:
.highlight {
background-color: yellow;
<p>This is some <span class=”highlight”>highlighted</span> text.</p>
Remember, the choice of method depends on your specific use case and the level of control you want over the highlighting style.
How can I highlight text in webpage?
- Highlight part of page you’re focused on
- On your computer, open Chrome. .
- At the top right, click More. Settings. Accessibility.
- Turn on “Show a quick highlight on the focused object.”
To highlight text in a webpage, you can use CSS styles to apply visual effects such as background color, text color, or border. Here are a few methods you can use:
1. Using the `<mark>` element: The `<mark>` element is specifically designed for highlighting text. You can wrap the text you want to highlight with `<mark>` tags. For example:
<p>This is some <mark>highlighted</mark> text.</p>
To highlight bold text in HTML, you can use the `<strong>` or `<b>` element to indicate emphasis and then apply a highlighting style to it. Here’s an example:
2. Using inline styles: You can apply inline styles to specific elements or text using the `style` attribute. For highlighting, you can use the `background-color` property. For example:
<p>This is some <span style=”background-color: yellow;”>highlight
How do you highlight bold text in HTML?
To bold the text in HTML, you can use either the <strong> tag or the <b> (bold) tag. Browsers will bold the text inside both of these tags the same way, but the <strong> tag indicates that the text is of particular importance. You can also bold text with the CSS font-weight property set to bold.
To highlight bold text in HTML, you can use the `<strong>` or `<b>` element to indicate emphasis and then apply a highlighting style to it. Here’s an example:
<p>This is some <strong style=”background-color: yellow;”>highlighted bold</strong> text.</p>
In the above code, the `<strong>` element is used to mark the text as important or emphasized, and the inline style `background-color: yellow;` is applied to give it a highlighting effect. You can also use the `<b>` element instead of `<strong>` if you don’t require semantic emphasis but only want to apply bold styling.
In the above code, the `<p>` tag is used as an example, but you can apply the `background-color` property to other HTML elements as well, such as headings (`<h1>`, `<h2>`, etc.), paragraphs (`<p>`), or spans (`<span>`). By setting the `background-color` property to a specific color value, you can change the background color of the element and the text contained within it.
How do you highlight and underline text in HTML?
- In HTML, there are mainly two methods of doing it.
- Using the <u> tag.
- Using the text-decoration CSS property.
To highlight bold text in HTML, you can use the `<strong>` or `<b>` element to indicate emphasis and then apply a highlighting style to it. Here’s an example:
<p>This is some <strong style=”background-color: yellow;”>highlighted bold</strong> text.</p>
In the above code, the `<strong>` element is used to mark the text as important or emphasized, and the inline style `background-color: yellow;` is applied to give it a highlighting effect. You can also use the `<b>` element instead of `<strong>` if you don’t require semantic emphasis but only want to apply bold styling.
What is the HTML tag for text background color?
The attribute that is used to set background color of an HTML element is bg color. Depending on the element whose background color is to be set, we use the appropriate tag. The bgcolor attribute can be used with the following tags- body, table, td, th, tr, marquee
In HTML, there is no specific tag for setting the background color of text directly. However, you can achieve the effect of setting the background color of text using CSS. The CSS property `background-color` can be applied to various HTML elements to set the background color. Here’s an example:
<p style=”background-color: yellow;”>This is some text with a yellow background color.</p>
In the above code, the `<p>` tag is used as an example, but you can apply the `background-color` property to other HTML elements as well, such as headings (`<h1>`, `<h2>`, etc.), paragraphs (`<p>`), or spans (`<span>`). By setting the `background-color` property to a specific color value, you can change the background color of the element and the text contained within it.
Highlighting text in HTML is a valuable technique that can greatly improve the visual appeal and readability of your web pages. By effectively applying styles and tags, you can draw attention to important information and make it stand out from the rest of the content.
Throughout this guide, we have explored different methods to highlight text in HTML. Whether it’s using CSS properties like background color and text color, or utilizing HTML tags such as `<mark>` and `<span>` with inline styles, you have learned a variety of approaches to achieve the desired highlighting effect. By applying appropriate CSS styles or using inline HTML tags, you can create visually appealing highlights.
Remember to use highlighting sparingly and purposefully. Overusing it may diminish its impact and make the page look cluttered. Choose colors and styles that complement your overall design and maintain consistency throughout your website.
By implementing these techniques, you can guide your users’ attention, emphasize key points, and enhance the visual hierarchy of your content. Effective text highlighting can greatly contribute to a positive user experience and make your web pages more engaging and accessible.