Which Of These Tags Breaks The Tenet Of The Separation Of Content And Layout?

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Which Of These Tags Breaks The Tenet Of The Separation Of Content And Layout?

Which tags break the tenet of the separation of content and layout? The

tag is used to break the tenet of the separation of content and layout.

Which Tag Is Used To Display The Content?

tag is used to display the content at the center of the web page.

What is used to create rules about the color font and layout of your pages? CSS stands for cascading style sheet, and is used to create rules about the color, font, and layout of our pages. It also determines when those rules are to be used, based on information like the device connecting to the page, or in response to a user’s action.

Which Of These Tags Breaks The Tenet Of The Separation Of Content And Layout? – Related Questions

What Is Proprietary Tag?

Tags that work only on certain browsers. Tags that displayed copyright information. Tags used to define ownership of the. content​

Is Code A Semantic Tag?

Semantic HTML tags provide information about the contents of those tags that goes beyond just how they look on a page. Text that is enclosed in the tag is immediately recognized by the browser as some type of coding language.

Which Of The Following Tags Is Used To Insert Line Break In HTML Mcq?

Answer: b.

Explanation: The HTML element

is used for inserting a line break.

What Does B Tag Stand For?

bold text

The tag specifies bold text without any extra importance.

What Are Meta Tags Used For?

Definition and Usage

The tag defines metadata about an HTML document. Metadata is data (information) about data. tags always go inside the element, and are typically used to specify character set, page description, keywords, author of the document, and viewport settings.

Which language is used for formatting and defining styles for Web pages?

Hypertext Markup Language – or HTML for short – is the language used to indicate the structure and layout of webpages.

Which Tag Tells The Browser That The Document Is In HTML Format The Tag Tells The Browser That The Document Is In HTML Format?


A: A: The tag tells the browser your document is actually HTML.

How Can Be The Layout Of A Web Page Created Using Css?

Different layouts can be created by using div tag and use CSS property to style it.


The most common layouts are:

Column Layout: It is mostly used for mobile layout.

Column Layout: This website layout is mostly used for tablets or laptops.

Column Layout: This website layout is mostly used for desktops.

What Does HTML Stand For Coursera?

Hypertext Markup Language

What does HTML stand for? Hypertext Markup Language. 2. HTML5 tags have the same semantic meaning, regardless of the browser being used.

When Did Public Use Css1?

Several other style sheet languages for the web were proposed around the same time, and discussions on public mailing lists and inside World Wide Web Consortium resulted in the first W3C CSS Recommendation (CSS1) being released in 1996.

Which Version Of HTML Introduced Different Document Types?


HTML 4 introduced three Document Type Definitions (DTDs) and associated DOCTYPE declarations: Transitional, Strict, and Frameset.

What Is Semantic And Non Semantic Tag In HTML?

A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer. Examples of non-semantic elements:

and – Tells nothing about its content. Examples of semantic elements:


, and

– Clearly defines its content.

What Is Nav Tag In HTML?


HTML element represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents. Common examples of navigation sections are menus, tables of contents, and indexes.

What Is The Use Of Div Tag In HTML?

Definition and Usage


tag defines a division or a section in an HTML document. The

tag is used as a container for HTML elements – which is then styled with CSS or manipulated with JavaScript. The

tag is easily styled by using the class or id attribute.

Which Of The Following Tag Is Used To Insert A Break In HTML?


tag inserts a single line break.

Which Of The Following Tag Is Used For Line Breaks In The Document?


element is used to force a line break.

Which Of The Following Tag Is Used To Enter Line Break?

Browser Support


Yes Yes

What Is The Use Of B And

The HTML tag is used to create a ‘b’ element, which represents bold text in an HTML document. The tag should be used to markup text as bold without conveying any extra importance, for example in article abstracts, where the beginning of an article is set in bold text.

What Is The Difference Between B And

The text written under tag makes the text bold presentationally to draw attention. The main difference between these two tag is that the strong tag semantically emphasizes on the important word or section of words while the bold tag is just offset text conventionally styled in bold.

What Is HTML H1 Tag?

The H1 tag is an HTML heading that’s most commonly used to mark up a web page title. Most websites use CSS to make the H1 stand out on the page compared to lesser headings like H2, H3, etc.

What Is A Title Tag?

The title tag is an HTML code tag that allows you to give a web page a title. This title can be found in the browser title bar, as well as in the search engine results pages (SERP).

Which Is An Attribute Of Meta Tag Mcq?

The meta tag provides metadata/meta information about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page. Metadata is present in head. The body tag defines document’s body.

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